Virtual Casino Party

The world is changing, we all know how to use Zoom and most households are now comfortable connecting to Microsoft Teams, House Party, Google Meets and other video conferencing software.

This has opened the door for people to connect with groups of friends and family from far and wide and even across the world in a brand new way.

With this new confidence in new technologies brings a great opportunity to enjoy different types of party entertainment –

Pub quizzes, book clubs, virtual board games and now even Virtual Fun Casino Parties!


We love providing fun filled virtual casino events but know many people might not know what to expect from a Zoom Blackjack Party.

Click below to see case studies of how a Virtual Casino Party can fit with your event.

If you still have questions please see our Virtual Casino Party FAQ’s.


Virtual Birthday Blackjack Party

Beccy’s 40th
“What a good laugh… We loved it”


Virtual Birthday Casino Party

As you can see from the above photo of Beccy’s 40th Birthday Party, they loved it!

Beccy’s birthday was in the middle of lockdown… She was supposed to be going to Las Vegas for her milestone birthday…
Boo Hoo… ☹️

Beccy’s husband booked the Zoom Blackjack Party and invited all her friends that were spread out across the UK. What a lovely surprise!

After a few Gin and Tonics they all got heavily involved and very competitive with lots of laughs!


We have delivered many Birthday Zoom Parties, anything from a children’s 11th Birthday to 78th year old Birthday… everyone has fun and gets involved regardless of age.

A Virtual Birthday Casino party has a way to give a level playing field of friendly competition, gives a common talking point and in our opinion the best way to connect family and friends that are too far away to meet in person. 

Just like most of our clients Beccy was super chuffed with the ease of communication and more importantly the fun their friends had at the virtual Blackjack table.

“I had a brilliant 40th Birthday….! Thank you Dave!”

Virtual Family
Zoom Party

Mum & Dad’s 50th Anniversary
“I had no idea it would be that much fun!”

Family zoom party

Virtual Family Zoom Party

Emily booked us for her parents’ 50th Wedding Anniversary… Her dad loves Las Vegas and although the family couldn’t meet in person, Emily wanted to bring the fun of Vegas to her parents living room by organising a Family Zoom Casino Party instead.

Ages 9 to 75 this was a true international event with Mum and Dad in Brooklyn, Sister in Israel, other Sister in California and friends dotted all around the USA 

The funniest thing about this event was that before I joined the family Zoom call I heard Emily say to the group:

 “Now I’m not sure how this is going to be, so sorry if it’s rubbish!”

Hahaha… I immediately jumped on the Zoom call and informed Emily it was going to be brilliant! 😂

We all giggled so much!  And I was right, it was the perfect entertainment for their family zoom call!


A Virtual Family Casino night is perfect entertainment for connecting family across the world.  It has the ability to involve and engage everyone of any age… 

Emily left us an amazing Facebook review!

“You we’re right Dave,
that was BRILLIANT!

Virtual Corporate Team Building

KP Snacks
“Thanks Dave,
we needed a good laugh…”

Virtual Corporate Team Building Event

Virtual Casino for Corporate Team Building

After a hard project delivery Judy and her team needed to let their hair down!

We had a roller coaster on the Blackjack table with big wins and loses.

All ended up ok and most importanly the team left the Zoom call in high spirits after enjoying eachothers company and a lot of Blackjack banter!


We are experts in what we do.. Regardless of who joins the call and at what rank or level we are able to create an environment where all can have a laugh.

A Virtual Casino event is ideal for Corporate Team Building, Celebrating Milestones, onboarding and more.

We specialise in small teams (upto 12 screens) and don’t offer multiple breakout rooms… We believe keeping events small makes them so much more enjoyable for everyone.

Any Q’s about this please contact us.

“Dave, that was the best team
event we’ve done on line!
Thank you!”

Blackjack With Friends on Zoom

“We laughed the whole night… Thankyou Dave”

Blackjack with friends on Zoom

Virtual Casino for old friends

Wendy and her friends regularly met up on Zoom calls.  They’d played 101 quizzes and were looking for something a bit different for their Friday night Zoom party.

Having all made the effort and dress up in 1920’s Gatsby outfits this really did make the virtual event a bit more special than their regular Friday night quiz!

Some had never played Blackjack before so started off with a quick explanation of how to play Casino Blackjack…

Quick learners, most of them ended up breaking the bank!

Lots of fun and laughter they all loved it!


See our Facebook review, Google reviews etc, our clients love what we do!

A virtual casino night is perfect to bring together a group of friends that can’t meet up in person.  It breaks the ice and gives the group a single focus to talk about and works so well for friends and families far and wide.

Any Q’s please contact us.

“Dave was a very professional
croupier and great entertainer
Thank you!”